This page is about the fandub of the 2006 video game. For the character and its incarnations, see Sonic the Hedgehog (character). For the franchise, see Sonic the Hedgehog.
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“ | Silver, you know what? You're a twink. I'm gonna go smoke some weed now. |
Sonic the Hedgehog |
"Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)", also known as "Real-Time Fandub Games and the Growth of an Industry[1]", is episode 5 of the series SnapCube's Real-Time Fandub. It premiered on April 19, 2019 on YouTube. It is the third installment of SRTF episodes based on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, the most viewed episode of SnapCube's Real-Time Fandub, and the most viewed SnapCube video of all time.
- 1 Synopsis
- 2 Plot
- 2.1 Opening
- 2.2 Memphis, Tennessee
- 2.3 The Fire Soundtrack
- 2.4 Flushed Them Down the Terlet
- 2.5 Origins
- 2.6 The Ultimate Games
- 2.7 Gay Power
- 3 Credits
- 4 Production notes
- 4.1 Songs featured
- 4.2 Continuity
- 5 Trivia
- 6 External links
- 7 References
- 8 Navigation
Shadow and Rouge go on the ultimate quest to create the next big battle royale game while tangling with Memphis Tennessee. Meanwhile, Sonic has to save a princess over and over again.

During a festival in Soleanna, Princess Elise has a vision of an enormous fire monster, before snapping out of it and "lighting that bitch up" so that all of Soleanna can get "higher than a kite". However as everyone celebrates, Dr. Eggman crashes the festivities with his robot army and demands Elise come with him. Before he can do anything though, Sonic appears and kills all of Eggman's robots. He shows Elise how good he is at counting to one before scooping her up and escaping. From afar, Silver considers helping but decides not to as it would be awkward if he stepped in now. While Sonic is distracted with destroying more robots, Eggman successfully kidnaps Elise, but not before she can throw him the Blue Chaos Emerald.
Memphis, Tennessee[]
Meanwhile, Shadow infiltrates a base and finds Rouge with a purple scepter. The two attempt to escape however an earthquake starts as they do, spawning multiple earthquake robots to stop them.
The next day, Sonic meets up with Tails and the two decide to go get some ice cream, however they barely miss the Ice Cream Airship and instead only get a vanilla-flavored feather that floats down from it.
After escaping the earthquake, Shadow and Rouge teleport to the computer room, and Rouge decides to play Fortnite. However Shadow refuses as he prefers Doki Doki Literature Club Battle Royale. The two of them discuss their favorite battle royale games as Rouge reveals the scepter she has a DLC (a downloadable content pack) for Fortnite she purchased, and decides the two of them should drop on a nearby island.
The two of them find themselves at Tilted Towers and are found by Eggman, who reprimands Rouge when she doesn't recognize his Battle Bus. The ensuing fight results in Rouge's Purple being destroyed, and releasing a large shadow monster, which ironically possesses Shadow's shadow. The shadow forms into an exact replica of Shadow and introduces himself as Memphis Tennessee. He tells Shadow his evil plan to kin him 100% before claiming to see Shadow's future, in which he will kiss seven girls. Shadow calls him out for lying because he's actually gay, so instead Memphis just takes them to his house.

In the distant future, Silver the Hedgehog flies around a destroyed city looking for the Denny's. Blaze the Cat finds him and points him in the right direction, and the two of them find and eat the Grand Slam. Silver starts ranting about his insomnia and their conversation is interrupted by Memphis. He immediately deduces that Silver has depression and brings the two of them to his house, a gamer pad. He warns Silver of the "friend zone" and calls him a beta cuck. He shows them all the new maps added to Fortnite and decides to show Silver his cool gem, which displays Sonic trapped in the Hell Dimension because he disrespected gamers. He then takes them to the past for seemingly no reason.
The Fire Soundtrack[]
Sonic and Tails break into one of Eggman's bases and save Elise, Sonic and Eggman having a brief argument over PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) and Tetris 99 as they do. After escaping, Tails flies away before he can tell them about a dream he had and Sonic runs off carrying Elise.
Now in the future, Shadow and Rouge discover that Fortnite is destroyed, and Rouge has lost all of her save files. Instead of moping about it, the two decide to create the greatest battle royale the world has ever seen, combining the best aspects of every game. For the game, Shadow makes an absolutely fire soundtrack.
Back in the past, Silver and Blaze find themselves separated as they marvel at what trees, rocks and houses look like. That night, Silver witnesses the events of the opening and realizes Sonic is the guy he saw in Memphis's cool gem. He tries to talk to him but is stopped when Amy starts hugging him, mistaking him for Sonic. After realizing her mistake, Amy starts screaming and calling him a pervert, allowing Silver to realize he's lost Sonic, ruining his good mood. Amy then grabs his hand for some reason and pulls him with her, screaming more as if he were grabbing her hand.
Having escaped the robots, Sonic and Elise find themselves atop a grassy hill, and meet a butterfly that they name Alexa. Sonic then asks for Elise to tell him her incredibly complicated backstory in an interesting, longwinded monologue, complete with background visuals. She begins to tell him about her dream of the Grand Slam but gets distracted by how pretty the sky is.
Silver meanwhile tells Amy how a hedgehog created a soundtrack for a battle royale game that was so fire, it set fire to the world. Seeing Sonic in town, Silver immediately attacks him and demands that he never rap again. Sonic refuses, so Silver attacks him again, distracting both of them as Eggman kidnaps Elise again. Sonic tries to go after him, but Silver stops him, still needing to talk to him, he tries to attack him again but Amy gets in the way, allowing Sonic to escape as he offers her to feature on his next track. Realizing she missed an opportunity to be on Sonic's album, she threatens Silver before realizing how sad he is, making it less fun.
Flushed Them Down the Terlet[]
Sonic, Tails and Knuckles later meet and go to another one of Eggman's secret bases. He uses Elise as leverage and makes Sonic give up the blue gem, and then immediately traps them and sends all of them into either Fortnite or Minecraft (it's unclear to the cast which one it is). With them gone, Eggman begins planning his PUBG let's plays with Elise, but decides to switch to Fortnite because it's more popular, revealing that his end goal is to get Todd Howard to help him create Fallout 76 Battle Royale, and from there creating the ultimate battle royale experience, needing Elise to act has his Gaming Gamer Girl Queen.
Sonic, Tails and Knuckles instead end up in the future and meet up with Shadow and Rouge. The two of them show them the state of Fortnite, and Shadow tries to get them in on their plan to create their own battle royale, however Tails just starts blaming them for the destroyed future for some reason and Knuckles just wants weed. The group splits up for some reason, and Team Sonic watches the events of Silver and Blaze meeting with Mephiles, before finding Shadow and Rouge's work on their battle royal, with Sonic immediately wanting to be the main character.
Shadow and Rouge meanwhile walk around, Rouge revealing she's had the Weed Crystal the whole time, and the two of them find a shutdown robot. Rouge suggests putting weed inside of it to make it work good, but Shadow shuts her down right away, resulting in an argument in which it's revealed that the two of them are (or at least were) married.
Silver enjoys the ocean breeze in peace, before Blaze shows up and interrupts his alone time. Blaze begins talking about how she can never stop thinking and how much more superior she is to everyone else in the world. The two of them go to a snowy area, following Blaze's echo location to find the Blue Emerald, before leaving as Blaze says they have much work to do.
Knuckles finds out that Rouge had been hiding the Weed Crystal from him, and the whole group gets into an argument before finding another emerald. Before Rouge can grab it though, she's attacked by a worm-like version of the Grand Slam.
Back in the past, Amy sneaks into Sonic's music studio to try and get onto his album, but instead she only finds Elise. Alarms start blaring so the two just escape the studio instead. Silver and Blaze talk with Memphis again, who starts hitting on Blaze and insulting Silver before doing a little dance. After escaping the studio, Amy finds out that Elise is dating Sonic, and starts plotting ways to kill her. But after finding out she's immune to eating rocks and trying to scare her to death, she gives up, realizing she can't compete with her.
In the future, Sonic and Shadow use the Weed Crystal and the new emerald they found to open a portal back to the past, using the chance to get married as well. Everyone jumps through the portal, except for Shadow who sees Memphis teleporting in front of him, and stays behind to fight him. Team Sonic meanwhile finds themselves back in the present, with Sonic upset that the wedding reception is empty and undecorated. Elise gets kidnapped for the third time.
Rouge finds E-123 Omega, the robot she found in the future, and decides to finally try her idea and give him the Weed Crystal. Omega uploads it directly into his brain cells and gets high as shit, leaving right after. Back in the future, Shadow decides to ask out Memphis, prompting him to show him his cool shield, made of 17,000 polygons, however he starts getting upset when he realizes Sonic is in it somehow. He also reveals to Shadow his plan of making new Fortnite maps that will be played in real life. Memphis then transforms into his Crystal Gem cosplay and attacks Shadow, but is stopped by Omega, who shut himself down in the present to travel to the future and meet Shadow. Memphis decides to go back to his parents' house and makes a portal to the past. Shadow and Omega chase him through, but he's gone by the time they get there, so Omega instead tries to profess his love to Shadow, but he's ignored. Rouge meets up with the two of them and Shadow suddenly decides to go against YouTube.
Shadow breaks into another secret base and confronts Eggman, who reveals that his battle royale is nearly complete and that he actually created Shadow, telling him that because he is his son, he has all the necessary traits to be a true gamer.
Sonic saves Elise from a train and the two of them are stopped by Silver, who asks if they can be friends. When Sonic turns him down, Silver attacks him and Elise gets kidnapped again. Shadow breaks up the fight and allows Sonic to go after Elise. The two of them alone, Silver realizes that Shadow is actually the one that made the fire soundtrack. The two get into a fight and end up using the Blue and Weed Crystal to open up a portal to the past, which they both jump through.
Elise decides to escape Eggman herself by jumping from his hovercraft, Sonic arriving just in time to catch her. The two escape into the forest and Sonic takes her to his tree, where Elise remarks how she'd like to eat something other than rocks and reminisces about her father. Sonic offers her a hot dog and Elise struggles not to break down in tears from the kind gesture.
In the past, Shadow and Silver witness an explosion after the Duke of Soleanna and his scientists attempt to harness the power of the gamer flame. They watch as the Grand Slam and Memphis Tennessee escape in their most primal forms, and each chase after them after the Duke gives Shadow the Purple Scepter. Shadow seals Memphis away inside of the scepter, breaking up with him after finding out he was into vaping. Silver meanwhile tries to contain the Grand Slam, but finds that it's too strong for him. The Duke instead uses the Gamer Gem to seal the Grand Slam inside of the unconscious young body of Elise. The Duke believes that the Gamer Gem killed Elise and asks Silver to take her to E3, saying his final goodbyes to Elise before dying. Shadow and Silver meet up outside and leave Elise the Scepter behind as they travel back to the present.
The Ultimate Games[]
Eggman flies the Ice Cream Airship over Soleanna, and instead of doing anything about it Elise decides to go meditate, it's never seen on screen but believe it or not Elise gets kidnapped yet again immediately after this scene. Silver meanwhile returns to the present and finds Blaze who tells him to never leave her side again.
On a beach, Omega starts gunning down Memphis in a fit of jealous rage over Shadow. Memphis however is just high and decides to lay down and turn into vape juice. Shadow and Rouge show up and Omega does an amazing dance using his Dance Dance Revolution machine, but it's off screen. Omega tries once again to confess his love for Shadow, but he's seemingly ignored and he and Rouge bond over being friend-zoned by Shadow. Shadow however admits to himself that he simply doesn't know how to reciprocate feelings to someone who can dance as good as Omega, and decides instead to focus on stopping Memphis' creation of Fortnite.
On the Ice Cream Airship, Eggman reveals that he knows that Elise was saved by the Gamer Gem and has a part of the Flame of Gamers inside of her, and that he needs her power to help him make his ultimate battle royal, complete with dragons. He soon finds that someone has hacked into his Fortnite account and begins to have a birth of cactuses out of his asshole. Sonic chases after the airship and is helped by Silver, who apologizes for mistaking him for Shadow.
In the desert, Shadow makes Omega count how many sand there is and gets into an argument with Rouge as he counts 30 million sand particles. They find Memphis in a desert temple and keep interrupting him as he tries to tell them his plan to make his own gaming company with backing from Patreon. He uses the power of the Piss Rock to begin the creation of his ultimate startup company, complete with a game with way better graphics, however he begins to melt as he sold his soul for those graphics. Shadow attempts to trap him inside the Purple Scepter again but Memphis breaks out and steals with Weed Crystal, using the combined power of the two Chaos Emeralds, Memphis makes an army of clones and plans to have an orgy with himself after killing Team Dark. Shadow removes his inhibitor rings and the three of them plow through the clones.
Eggman meanwhile tries to stop his account from being hacked as the hackers destroy all his work on his battle royal, while being distracted the Ice Cream Airship crashes and blows up, seemingly killing Eggman and Elise. Sonic is only disappointed that he didn't get his SpongeBob popsicle, and after some brief confusion Sonic and Silver use their Chaos Emeralds to open a portal to not too far in the past. Sonic calls Silver a twink and leaves while Silver and Blaze use the portal to travel back to the future. Sonic chases after Eggman before the airship crashes while Silver and Blaze face off against the Grand Slam one final time. Silver attempts to sacrifice himself, using the power of the Chaos Emeralds to destroy the Grand Slam. Blaze stops him and takes his place so that he can pass on her legacy. She tells Silver that she's almost proud of him, before destroying the Grand Slam and fading away.
Sonic and Elise escape the Ice Cream Airship as it begins crashing, they barely make it out alive and Sonic says he can never die. With Eggman's plan foiled, the two of them rest and admire the view.
Gay Power[]
Having somehow escaped the fight with Team Dark with the Weed Crystal, now corrupted, Memphis Tennessee decides to give up Fortnite and just wants to be left alone. However Sonic and Elise trespass on his front lawn and in a fit of rage he accidentally impales Sonic with a large beam of energy. Everyone starts to panic as Sonic bleeds out and Memphis tries to say it was self defense. Sonic dies and Elise breaks down in tears, releasing the Grand Slam from her body. Seeing the yellow flames of the Grand Slam, Memphis realizes how well it will compliment with his purple and decides to combine with it. He uses their combined powers to summon all of the Chaos Emeralds, gaining all the colors of the rainbow and unleashing his true, gay power, making everyone in the world his boyfriend.
Memphis' power travels across all of time and space, conveniently transporting every main character to the same spot and no one else. Everyone except for Eggman begins grieving over Sonic, all singing a song in a vain attempt to bring him back. Memphis' gay light shines brighter and interrupts the song, Eggman mistakes the light for god and hopes that he'll finally die. Elise suggests that maybe the power of friendship will bring him back, but this just causes Amy to threaten her life while Silver suggests they all end it now because he has nothing left to live for. Eggman uses his Google Glass to become Sans Undertale and group all splits up for seemingly no reason.
Sometime later all of the Chaos Emeralds are gathered and placed around Sonic's corpse. Elise uses the power of the rainbow to bring Sonic back to life, kissing him to seal the deal as everyone else screams in terror at the sight of the kiss. When Sonic wakes up as Super Sonic, he tells Elise that he's actually gay and friend-zones her. He then immediately asks Shadow and Silver to be in a polyamorous marriage and the two of them transform into Super Shadow and Super Silver. The husbands all fly up to fight Memphis, killing him and saving the world with the power of gay. Amy asks Elise out and calls out to Sonic that she's gay too in an attempt to impress him.
Sonic and Elise find themselves in the past, seeing a young Elise and the Duke of Soleanna admire the Flame of Gamers before leaving to get some IHOP. Sonic and Elise decide to put the flame out, ending the madness that is gamers and ensuring that Memphis Tennessee and the Grand Slam never exist, erasing the previous events from existence.
With time rewritten, the events of the opening start again as Elise celebrates a festival in Soleanna, this time not interrupted by Eggman as Sonic watches from afar. The two seem to have a vague memory of each other as Sonic watches a vanilla flavored feather drift away into the night sky.
- With the Voices of:
- Penny Parker as Sonic the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat
- Ryan Mitchum as Shadow the Hedgehog
- Blue Lennox as Miles "Tails" Prower and Rouge the Bat
- Hayley Rose as Knuckles the Echidna and Amy Rose
- Red Van Buskirk (credited as "Robobuddies") as Silver the Hedgehog
- Scout Young (credited by deadname) as Mephiles the Dark[2]
- Alfred Coleman as Doctor Eggman, E-123 Omega, and Duke of Soleanna
- Shelby Sessler as Princess Elise
- Music by:
- Penny Parker
- Brian Corbett
- NemesisTheory
- The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
- Vengaboys
- T.L.B. Orchestration
- Ryan Mitchum
- Special thanks (Patreon supporters):
- Morgana Sawyer
- Mari Hinson
- Katy Vang
- Bibbs
- Danielle Hughes
- Daniseto
- Elijah Serafin
- Beatrice DiCicco
- Jaden Lawler
Production notes[]

The episode was the first to be aired on YouTube as a premiere stream, with over 3500 concurrent viewers.[3]
As announced during its end credits, Penny was taking a month-long break from YouTube to rest her energy. She would return in May 2019 with a livestream video on SnapCube.
Songs featured[]
- "His World" (parody of "His World" by Zebrahead, lyrics and vocals by Penny Parker, instrumental by Brian Corbett)
- "My Destination (His World Remix)" (performed by NemesisTheory)
- "Sonic 2 Boss Orchestra" (originally by Masato Nakamura, performed by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra)
- "We Like to Party" by Vengaboys (incorrectly credited)
- "Pumpkin Hill But It's The Dramatic Inspiring Climax Of Knuckles' Story Arc" by Ryan Mitchum (original by Tomoya Ohtani)
- "Mad World" (instrumental) by Michael Andrews (uncredited)
- "Sandstorm Orchestra Remix" by T.L.B. Orchestration (original by Darude)
- "Die Young" (originally by Kesha, performed by Penny Parker) (uncredited)
- "Lifelight" By Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (uncredited but briefly sang)
Remaining music is from the Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Original Soundtrack (see credits).
- This is the first episode of SnapCube's Real-Time Fandub with customized end credits.
- Scout Young and Shelby Sessler make their debut on the show, however of the two only Scout would remain on the show.
- Before being taken to the past, Sonic and Elise are told they've been "norted". The word is a term used in the Kingdom Hearts community to describe someone who has been possessed by Xehanort, one of its main villains. While the foreshadowing may have been entirely unintentional, the SnapCube cast would later go on to announce a fandub of the Kingdom Hearts video game series in 2021.

- In the BanterMation video "Sea of Thieves - Amber Heard DLC", Johnny Depp shows his ex-wife Amber Heard that she's been cancelled on Twitter. Among the tweets on his phone, one from the user @SlyCoop and the Twitter display name "SnapcubeFan420" who has a transgender flag avatar quoted one of the quips from the crowd during the opening scene of this episode, "My bed is made of scorpions". Another tweet credited to no one followed up saying, "You should get that checked".
- The dub accidentally predicted multiple things that would happen in real life:
- Eggman predicts the existence of Fallout 76 Battle Royale, by creating the game itself.[4]
- Bots were included in v10.40 of Fortnite (announced four months after the episode aired).
- The Tilted Towers were destroyed in Fortnite.
- Sonic the Hedgehog celebrated gay rights on May 17 (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia).
- Silver the Hedgehog was confirmed in the IDW comic series to be a nature/plant lover, "specifically in a very dorky and lovable way".
- This episode was the only Sonic-related film to come out in 2019 as the Paramount Pictures film of the same name was postponed to 2020 for design changes (not in the dub, but implied by Penny).[5]
- Sonic the Hedgehog and Minecraft got a crossover release, after Sonic was sent to "Fortnite Minecraft" by Eggman.
- The video is currently the most viewed video on Penny's YouTube channel at 19 million views (as of September 2023).
- Shelby Sessler was cast as Princess Elise because she exuded "the most 'princess' energy" out of the original Real-Time Fandub cast.[6] She has also been frequently cast as princesses in general across Real-Time Fandub.
- Plans existed for a longer version of the opening theme, but this never came to pass as it was hard to make time for it.[7]
- Dan Green, the official English voice of Mephiles the Dark (Memphis Tennessee) has been approached by fans in at least three occasions, where he was requested to fulfill voice lines from this episode, including his character's introduction scene and him showing Blaze and Silver around his gamer pad.[8][9]
- Shelby regularly forgets that she was part of this episode, and didn't know what a cutscene was beforehand as she hadn't played any video games until 2023.[6]
External links[]
- ↑ Parker, Penny (March 12, 2020). Had someone on Tumblr ask me what I would retroactively title previous RTFG episodes, given that I’ve recently started giving them unique subtitles based on whatever semblance of plot we stumble onto. Thought I’d share my ideas here too just for fun. Twitter.
- ↑ paper-mario-wiki; pegakitty (December 2, 2023). pegakitty: "would it cause you dysphoria to compliment your voicework in SnapCubes Shadow the Hedgehog real time fandub?". Tumblr. Archived from the original on December 3, 2023.
- ↑ Mitchum, Ryan (April 20, 2019). Honestly, my head is still rolling that the premiere of the Sonic 06 dub had 3500 people watching.... Twitter.
- ↑ Parker, Penny (streamer); NerdHeist (clipper) (2019). Sonic 06 predicted the future. Twitch.
- ↑ Parker, Penny (June 10, 2019). Big shout outs to The World for helping our improv bullshit stay relevant and also.... worryingly prophetic!!!. Twitter.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Sessler, Shelby (January 9, 2024). lol im being literal, I’m the voice of Elise. TikTok.
- ↑ Parker, Penny (August 12, 2022). Anonymous asked: "When the Sonic '06 dub came out, there was a full version of the opening instrumental cover. Were there ever any extra lyrics to that intro or is that all that was written for the dub?" - There was SUPPOSED to be but time got away from me and I just kinda never did it! Whoops!. Tumblr. Archived from the original on August 13, 2022. Retrieved on August 13, 2022.
- ↑ SKmaric (June 22, 2019). I had to opportunity to meet Dan Green so I knew what must be done. @clown_depot @SnapsCube. Twitter. Archived from the original on August 22, 2022. Retrieved on August 27, 2022.
- ↑ yyaryyar (August 22, 2022). Thank you to the amazing Dan Green for fulfilling my ridiculous request of this line in the official Mephiles voice @SnapsCube. Twitter. Archived from the original on August 22, 2022. Retrieved on August 27, 2022.
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